Vasilyev V., Reznyk Y.
Published in: Личность. Культура. Общество, том 23, № 1-2, с. 202-222.
This article will focus on the personal component of philosophy, which is present inthe activities of any philosopher. Dialogue Yu.M. Reznik and V.V. Vasilyev touches upon topicalproblems of personal discourse, which have been pursued by philosophers since time immemorial.The authors try to answer the question: what is personal philosophy? It is in many ways a responseto the challenges of social practice, incl. the philosophers’ own life practice. This is knowledgeabout the subjective-universal in the world (“the project of being-for-oneself”), which is refractedin their life experience. Each of the philosophers invents his own original way to solve fundamen-tal philosophical problems, incl. about the nature of man, his consciousness, etc. The emphasis oncertain problems that interest philosophers, first of all, expands the horizon of philosophizing. The authors consider various aspects of philosophical identity and personalism of philosophy. Philosophy includes all the variety of ideas and languages of philosophizing. And her personal project includes: a) a personal vision of the subject specificity of philosophy and the resulting idea of the purpose of the philosopher himself; b) personal manner or style of philosophizing; c) the project of being and the system of ontological coordinates (“matter - spirit”; “essence - existence”; “being - due”; “being - becoming”, etc.); d) the existential project of thephilosopher and the system of value coordinates (for example, “freedom - justice”; “equality -inequality”, etc.); f) their abstract group, consisting of philosophers of the past and present (thecircle of thinkers who have influenced the concept or position of the author to the greatest extent),as well as the original interpretation of their ideas and concepts; g) non-deducible residue, whichis the “highlight” of the author’s philosophy and gives it a unique flavor.The authors agree on the main point: philosophers must make their own contribution tosolving fundamental problems. And this is their personal philosophy, which can be existentiallycolored, project-based or analytical. And the personal identity of a modern philosopher includes,in addition to his ideological preferences and belonging to a particular school (direction), anindividually substantiated research methodology.